Monday, January 18, 2010

Final Callback Auditions for "Wild Space A Go Go."

1/19/2009 Final auditions for “Wild Space A Go Go” were held at The Embers on Saturday and, I’m pleased to announce, were a rousing success! After the auditions, director, choreographer and creators met and finalized casting. With so many talented actors/performers, matching each to specific role was a bit more complicated than I had anticipated. With a few exceptions, all of the creative team seemed to be on the same page. Where there were differences in opinion, the director had the final say, which, I believe, is how it should be. That being said, I do think there are one or two surprises that will blow audiences away. Many thanks to all that participated. To those that were not cast, thank you for your hard work and preparation. You all have wonderful careers ahead of you. In the next few days, I will announce the cast and will try to include pictures of each and the roles they will be playing.

On a separate note, I brought along my new Nikon to document the process. This turned out to be a learning experience and what I learned was that I am sorely lacking as a photographer. Shooting in low light, with a flash, almost all of the pictures turned out to be a blurry mess. Maybe next time I should carefully read the manual before setting off on a career as photojournalist.

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