Sunday, August 22, 2010

Long time, no blog

Been a long time so I thought I would fill you in on what’s going on in the twisted, created life of J.P. Linde.

“Wild Space A Go Go,” the original musical opened at The Embers Nightclub in Portland and ran for a month and a half. Critically, it did well. Three reviews seemed to revel in the fun of it and one, The Willamette Week, just didn’t seem to get it. After saying that they didn’t care for it, they summed up their displeasure by declaring that a scene of anal rape of one of the protagonists highlighted the production. Needless to say, the review seemed to hamper box office receipts. What can you do? It was never my attention to include a scene of “anal rape.” If I had, I would have included it in a project more suitable than a sexual identity musical comedy.I would have saved it for my pitch for the sequel to “Rear Admiral.” All in all, it was a great show that does need work and would be served much better with a bigger performance space. Currently, “Wild Space A Go Go” is being retooled for other stage companies wishing to probe the musical mysteries of anal rape.

“The Touristers” option is running out. Thank God! October 7th and unless the Producer renews the option, ownership will revert back to me. I can only say, it’s about damn time. I seriously doubt that the Producer will come up with the money to renew. If he does, I will take the money and run…as far away as I can! It has been rewritten, by the Producer (yes, he does take co-writing credit), that seems to remove all the fun and turns the film into a violent, angry biker flick. Ah, well, such is the game of screenwriting. If he does fail to renew the option, the original director and I will pitch it to other producers who wish to produce something closer to my original vision.

Now, to the exciting news. Project X is coming! Under the direction of the multi-talented Brett Vail, the lovely and intelligent Executive Producer, Amy Vail, the first comedy episode began shooting on August 15th. I cannot express the excitement of working with people that not only get my sense of humor, but my writing style/voice as well. God, how refreshing a process this is! I only wish other writers an experience as good as this. Glenn Holmes and I have managed to write 4 episodes. Two of which will be filmed and pitched to various studios as a comedy pilot. It is a credit to Brett and Amy that their casting choices have been nothing short of brilliant. There was some talk of me playing one of the villains of the piece. It would have been great fun. But, as I explained in an email today, as far as production is concerned, experience should take precedent over whatever enjoyment I may get. Plus, I wrote too many damn lines for the character. Add that to the pressure of having a camera thrust in your face, well, too damn much for this guy.

Well, that’s it for now. Now that things have settled down a bit, I will try to keep you posted on projects on a more frequent basis. Good writing, everyone!

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