Monday, August 30, 2010

Night shoot part 2

Another night of location shooting and despite the threat of rain, it all went off without a hitch. Cast and crew were nothing short of brilliant. Even got to pitch in and add a bit of effect.

It could have gone a lot worse. Glenn and I arrived at the appointed hour only to discover that cops and patrol cars had surrounded the area. LOL. Sure, they were only arresting a drunk but the fact that they lingered and that we did not have a permit gave us a bit of pause. As soon as the cops left, the crew and actors arrived and promptly set up the red digital camera. Minutes later, they were setting up the first shot of the night. Is filmmaking always so effortless? I would think not. This extra night of footage was the cast and crews idea. They had been itching to take out the new Red Cam for a spin and it didn’t disappoint. The footage looks fantastic and the camera, even for the uninitiated is something to see. At least fifteen separate shots were taken care of and not even a bit of drizzle interfered. At the first drop, the camera condom was slipped on and without missing a beat and they continued shooting into the night. Luckily, it did not really start raining until the filming of the series of scenes was completed.

In this kind of fast and furious production, everyone pitches in and Glenn and I were no different. Even writers are not spared a chore. Glenn and I volunteered for some extreme van rocking (insert your own gag here), and let’s just say, the van was rockin’, and no one came knockin’.

The more I see of this production. The more I see the enthusiasm of both the cast and crew and the dedication of Brett and Amy, I become more and more excited. I truly believe we have something special here. But this is movie-making and they probably said the exact sames words on the set of “Cabin Boy.”

Oh, one last thing. All night shoots require a hoodie. Don't leave home without it!

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