Friday, February 5, 2010

Cain, Abel and...

Presenting the color version of the "Wild Space A Go Go" poster.

Topic of the Day

As any fan of Steinbeck’s “East of Eden” will remind you, if you have the fates giving birth to two creative projects at once, one is going to be a joy while the other sends you to an early grave. My current situation attests to this. While one sings and dances its way to full production, the other is mired in distrust, creative rape and financial obligations that seem to never be met. If you need further proof, I will gladly produce exhibit A, a hard plastic night-guard that I am chewing threw quicker than a baby pit-bull.

The answer to all this pain from my offspring leaves me no other choice. I will have another creative offspring. What can I say? Like most white trash, I just love being pregnant. Besides, surely the results of this union will not result in my heart being ripped from my chest and gobbled up by Hollywood wannabes.

But whatever will this project be? There are no dating sites for creatives looking for producers. And, as I have already discussed in earlier Blogs, throwing literary shit into the wind of the Internet usually results in a return trip right smack into your face. Something I am beginning to realize even further with my problem child (we will call him Cain for now).

Well, getting to the point, I had coffee with one such collaborator, name withheld until the deal is set, yesterday primarily to discuss his participating in my one project that is going smoothly. Gazing into those dreamy, director/producer eyes, I decided then and there to lay it all on the line and pitch one of my other projects. Lo and behold, glory hallelujah and praise the baby Jesus, before I could open my mouth, he told me that he was sorry he was not more forceful in speaking up regarding another one of my projects. Let the love fest begin! This was going even better than I had expected. I reached into my knapsack and pulled out some material and handed it over with as much bravado as I could muster. Why dine and dance first? I say get right to the creative part. His eyes grew wide with anticipation. He took the material willingly and gushed over its promise. Gasp. We even talked about how the baby would be raised: situation comedy, utilizing a one cameral shoot, or a series of web episodes. I checked my temperature before the meeting and I was prime for creative fertilization. The dance was done in about two hours. Now it is just a matter of time to see if the seed to take hold. (To be continued)

Oh, and before I forget the "Wild Space A Go Go" site ( is up with all new content. Extended bios of the cast, venue and ticket information and even a free wallpaper. Sounds pretty sweet to me.

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