Monday, February 22, 2010

Meet Frank Stone

The first draft of “Frank Stone” continues. My plan of attack is to construct a story that will successfully work both as a one-camera sitcom and as web episodes. This will mean that the usual two-act structure will have to be adapted into three or more acts. It goes without saying that the most important factor in all of this will be the jokes. I think three jokes per page is the usual going rate but hopefully, with the outrageousness of the premise, we might be able to squeeze in just a few more.

Another important element to tackle will be Frank Stone’s all-important back-story. And trust me, there is a hell of a lot to cover! Glenn and I feel that we have the perfect remedy in catching the audience up to this unusual character in the fastest way possible. I have sent the pages I have to all parties involved and as stated in my last post, we will be meeting to discuss where the story is headed.

“Wild Space A Go Go” News:

Did I mention that my director/co-creator and friend Brett Vail is now working on WSAGG? Well, he is. He is co-coordinating all the video elements and even at this early stage is work is astounding! I wish I could show what he has come up with but it is best to keep it all in the bag until the show opens.

Tomorrow the director, composer and myself are getting together to discuss cuts to my libretto. I have no problem cutting. There has been a lot if discussion regarding running time. My feelings are that the show should run two hours with an intermission. Others feel that 2 hours and fifteen minutes is the correct amount of time for a musical comedy. I guess we will not really know until the first audience sits through it. So, we will just have to wait and see. What I am looking forward to is the first read-through by the cast. This is scheduled for the day of the Academy Awards. An omen for gratuitous length? God, I hope not.

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