Tuesday, February 16, 2010

When God closes a door, he opens a window. Really? Really?

I don’t really buy it. I think you need to open the damn window yourself. Grab the nearest appliance and smash it open if you need to. Just be careful and don’t cut your writing appendage.

Yes, dear friends, I believe one of my creative children is dying at the hands of an unscrupulous producer. Will it rise again from the ashes? Maybe. Only time will tell. One thing is for certain. It will not rise from the ashes anytime soon. I may have to wait until the option has expired in October of 2010. There is a chance I could get out sooner but that would depend on the sage advice of my lawyer. The question then becomes, do I want to spend a good deal of money to get out of said option. Decisions. Decisions. Rest assured that you, my friends, will be the first to know.

I am pleased to report that the second child, the musical “Wild Space A Go Go” is flourishing. Rehearsals will start very soon and we are now finalizing libretto cuts as well as working out the logistics for all the technical aspects of the production. There is a hell of a lot to do, but, what the hell, I don’t have to disappear for a movie shoot anytime soon.

Now, as to smashing the window; the next project coming from the demented mind of J.P. Linde, “Frank Stone.” I can’t say too much about it at this early date only to give you a few brief tidbits. The extremely talented Brett Vail will be directing and his wicked smart wife, Amy Vail, will be our Executive Producer. The story is by Glenn Holmes and myself and I will be tackling the writing chores with the able assistance of Glenn, Amy and Brett. First production meeting will be held early March. As we get closer to production, I will, of course, give you more information.

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